A Coach’s Imposter Syndrome

Today I was preparing a “last mile coaching plan” for my client when going through her self-discovery “homework”, one of the questions was “Who inspires you or is your role model?” and “What does that person have/do that inspires you“, the client mentioned me in her answer and explained why. 

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My first thought was “Oh, she is just being nice, that’s very kind of her”. 

But soon after that, I realised myself probably having the Imposter Syndrome.

I realised that my confidence is not high enough so I felt uncomfortable to take this kind of compliment fully, and I also recalled the time when I was attending some training programmes from other world-leading coaches, I always asked myself: “When can you EVER be like that- Ciao?!”

I totally forgot that I don’t need to stand under someone’s shadow but can actually stand on their shoulders — I don’t need to be them, I just need to be myself. 

Funny enough, I was coaching this client for EXACTLY the same thing – she always felt she is not good enough while I was constantly amazed by her self-discipline, ability to plan ahead and many other strengths & abilities. She will probably be amazed by herself if she lists out all her little and big achievements. I have always encouraged her out of my true appreciation and her constant effort.

SO, when I thought about that, I told myself: maybe, maybe her compliment was true and genuine, maybe I don’t need to think “oh she is just being nice,” maybe I could just sit still, relax, smile and say “thank you”.

Everyone tends to see what we lack of or what we don’t have, but often forget to look back, and see how far we have come, how much we have achieved in life.

Imposter syndrome, it’s always easy to see that on others but hard to catch it on yourself.

I am glad that I caught it today.

Ciao Chen

Career Design Coach
